Comprehensive Exam Preparation Survival Kit


Preparing for comprehensive exams?

We know and understand the struggle is real.
Therefore, we have something for you.


Preparing for comprehensive exams can feel like an effort in futility. It takes time and effort just to gather the necessary books and resources to study, let alone comprehend and retain the most vital information.

Here at The Life of a Historian, we know comprehensive exam preparation can be a daunting and stressful endeavor. For that reason, and many others, we created a Comprehensive Exam Preparation Survival Kit.


What is the Comprehensive Exam Preparation Survival Kit?
And how will it help?


Obviously, we cannot give you the answers or instill the discipline needed to focus and study. But our Comprehensive Exam Preparation Survival Kit does provide you with quick summaries and analyses of significant works, historical timelines of important events, and a glossary of key historical terms and theories.

Additionally, the Comprehensive Exam Preparation Survival Kit includes links to blog posts that offer our unsolicited, but hopefully practical and helping, words of encouragement and advice for studying and preparing to take your exams.

The Life of a Historian‘s goal is for the Comprehensive Exam Preparation Survival Kit to be a seemingly infinite volume of resources and information that is accurate and without error. Because we believe that every aspiring historian deserves to feel confident in their abilities and working knowledge of history.

To ensure we accomplish our goal, The Life of a Historian promises to frequently and consistently fact check, edit, and add content to the Comprehensive Exam Preparation Survival Kit.*

And please know, The Life of a Historian strives to produce and curate only quality and beneficial content for the Comprehensive Exam Preparation Survival Kit.

Just click on the links below to access the resources and information you need.


Oh, and one last note before you begin…
best of luck!


Comprehensive Exam Preparation Survival Kit


Our Collection of History Book Reviews

An Exhaustive, But Still Limited, Comprehensive Exam Reading List

Highlight Series


*The Life of a Historian makes no guarantees about the factual and technical accuracy of the information accessed through the links below and/or contained on external websites. Furthermore, and although The Life of a Historian does make every effort to ensure factual and technical accuracy of either the content we create and/or share via posts and publication on this site, The Life of a Historian does not guarantee the factual and technical accuracy of the information and suggest that you also assess the information according to your standards and use accordingly.