Amazon Affiliate Disclosure

The Financial Side of The Life of a Historian

Here at The Life of a Historian, we provide free resources and content to help aspiring and professional historians. Nonetheless, “free” does not pay the bills. In order to keep producing and uploading free content and information, The Life of a Historian operates as an Amazon Associate.

What does it all mean?

Simply put, if you purchase an Amazon product and/or purchase any other qualifying products through a link on our website, The Life of a Historian earns a commission equal to a specified percentage of the cost of the product/s you purchased.

At The Life of a Historian, we understand the financial realities that come with a life of history. With that in mind, it is our promise to try our best only to use affiliate links for used copies of books and for products we truly believe will better your life as a historian.

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And we hope our content is serving you well as a historian.